Mindset and the inner work is not about fixing your broken self...


It’s about empowering yourself with the tools, knowledge and self-awareness to be your BEST SELF… 

Until you know yourself you can’t come into alignment


Mindset is the basis of everything when it comes to business, life, relationships, how we show up, and how we see ourselves.

It’s when I discovered the SUBCONSCIOUS MINDSET BLOCKS that were holding me back and tapped into my HIGHEST LEVEL SELF (who I always was at the core but wasn’t consciously aware how I was sabotaging myself) that life and business became LIMITLESS!!

At every new level, there is a whole new layer to discover and integrate, and we get to know ourselves all over again as we transcend to new heights.



Do you ever wonder why, no matter what you do...

You keep hitting the same road blocks?

You see a gap between where you are and where you want to be?

Keep getting the same results?

And things just aren't as easy or as simple as they seem to be for others?


✦ feel overwhelmed making decisions - you go round in circles because you’re scared of making the ‘wrong choice’

 dim your light with the fear of annoying people, which doesn’t allow you to make the impact you are here to make

✦ start to doubt yourself whenever someone criticises you or questions your abilities or goals

✦ have a tonne of ideas & goals but none of them are creating the momentum you hoped for, and you may even question if you are capable of achieving them

 work super hard to create success, 'doing all the things' but no matter how hard you try, nothing changes

✦ see other people creating huge success easily, and wonder why it feels so damn hard for you

✦ Keep having the same challenges show up for you (over and over again) in relationships, business, life, money

✦ have massive dreamy goals, but keep telling yourself it's unrealistic and settle for smaller goals


You already have EVERYTHING you need to be SUCCESSFUL

The truth is, you are here reading this right now because you know there is a BETTER WAY!! And it starts with YOU... When we shift our inner world, our outer world changes, so it's time to unleash your power and become LIMITLESS!!


✦ Knowing yourself on the deepest level

✦ No longer sabotaging your own success or having limiting beliefs hold you back

✦ Having unshakeable confidence and self trust - that is not just felt but radiates deep from within you!

✦ Clarity on your direction and what you are capable of

✦ Feeling safe and comfortable taking up space and speaking your truth in the biggest way

✦ Creating huge momentum toward your goals (bigger than you ever knew was possible) and it gets to feel so easy!

And feel absolutely LIMITLESS!


Limitless is a 4-week mindset program, where we go deep into shifting beliefs, building emotional resilience, discovering who you are and why you do things in the biggest way.

You’ll have instant access to the lessons, worksheets, and Q&A time on the future live round, so you can not only learn, but actually integrate your own self discovery in the most personalised way.


What you'll learn...


 Massive self awareness, removing blocks and becoming your most powerful self 💫 It’s a DEEP coming back to yourself, coming back to your truth.

I will give you the tools to identify & integrate how you are sabotaging your success & growth (in ways you aren't even aware of), so that you can show up with complete confidence and become the person you know you are capable of being.

I am there to guide you in the live round so that you feel supported throughout.

WEEK 1: Congruency, Alignment & Building Unshakeable Confidence

Who are you at your core? This requires self honesty to truly see yourself where you’re at and accept yourself there. 

WEEK 2: Ego, Triggers & Projections

Transcending triggers and projections into deep integrations for self awareness.

WEEK 3: Limiting Beliefs, Shadows & Self Sabotaging Behaviours

Unearth the subconscious patterns that are keeping you stuck. Learn the tools to identify & shift the beliefs and rewire the subconscious patterns to create a new reality. 

WEEK 4: Magnetism & Energetics

Self acceptance & love at the deepest level. Learn how to expand your emotional resilience & energetic capacity to harness your power and call in your desires.



✦ Are ready to dive in deep, witness their patterns and face their ego head-on.

✦ Desire knowing themselves on a more intimate level.

✦ Are ready to let go of the BS narratives, beliefs and identities no longer serving them.

✦ Are ready to take radical responsibility for their lives and experience deep transformation.

Note: this is NOT specific to business owners, it is for anyone looking to really discover themselves, shift unwanted beliefs & behaviours and take back their own power to become Limitless!


Limitless Course to help you unlock your Limitless Mindset

This is for you if you want to get ALL of the value from the life-transforming lessons and workbooks but happy to navigate them on your own. You get access to call replays. 

> 4 Potent Lessons 

> Lifetime access to the lessons and workbooks to utilise them forever

> Does not include personalised mentoring from Jess but still includes all the value from the online lessons.


If you’re feeling super called to this program and KNOW how much it will change your life, but you still have some resistance - it’s likely just further evidence that this program is for you.

Often the resistance we feel is the exact voices or situations we are looking to let go of... 

Our fears & triggers are the windows to our deepest transformations when we lean right IN! It can be scary, vulnerable and a little confronting to do this work, but it is the most expansive, empowering and life changing work you will ever do!


Ready to invest in yourself?

I want this to be accessible to as many people as I can that's why I’ve introduced extended payment plans (paid in full or over 3-6 month) so that this potent program is accessible to all who are being called to it!

You can get access for as little as $108 AUD per month! 

I cannot wait to celebrate with you when you get in because I know what transformation is going to be on the other side of you saying YES to your next level self!



(Approx $380 USD)

> 4 Potent Live Lessons (1 per week) (replays will be available within 24hrs)

> Lifetime access to the lessons and workbooks to utilise them forever.

Payment plan from $108/mth


Still have questions?

4-weeks of pure transformation!! 

Course + Micromind includes:

  • 4 powerful lessons that will help you know yourself on the deepest level, identify and shift limiting beliefs & shadows and step into your highest self.
  • Workbooks to explore and integrate the learning deeper.
  • Lifetime access to the lessons and workbook 


At every new level, there is so much to unearth. The inner mindset work is never truly done.

I teach in a way that combines many modalities as well as my own personal journey to bring you the deepest transformations.

The added benefit of this group is that you are not left to figure it all out on your own, I am there to guide you in the live calls and group voxer so that you feel supported throughout.

You will feel so much more at ease, have so much more energy and clarity around what you are here to do and how you are meant to show up in your business and to create the most success!

It’s a DEEP coming back to yourself, coming back to your truth.

It is designed to work seamlessly into your current life and business and will deeply expand your inner world to increase this flow and ease where more success can flow abundantly without requiring more energy input.

You will feel so much more at ease, have so much more energy and clarity around what you are here to do and how you are meant to show up in your business and to create the most success!

This is not another course that gives you another thing to add to your to-do list.

It’s a DEEP coming back to yourself, coming back to your truth.

Hey, I'm Jess!

I am an award winning Business & Mindset Coach here to show you what is possible on the other side of getting to know yourself on the deepest level.

I bring my expertise in NLP, Hypnosis, Human Design, Subconscious reprogramming, energy work, and success coaching together with my background in marketing and 7 years in business to give my clients the deepest transformations. 

Mindset has been the number 1 reason why I have had so much FAST & MASSIVE success over the years.

I launched my first business back in 2016 with zero experience, zero contacts and absolutely no credentials... but what I did have was the deepest self belief, confidence and inner knowing that ANYTHING was truly possible.

At every new level I have had to work on my mindset more than anything, and am always continuing to grow and evolve.

Fast forward 7 years and I have built, scaled, sold and exited 5 multi-6-figure businesses, and now am focusing on my true passion - sharing my wisdom, mindset and strategies with women like you!


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