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Have a constant stream of Dream clients READY to buy & say Heck Yes to pay high-end prices - all WITHOUT burnout, live launching or paid ads! 

My clients have used these exact strategies I'm sharing in the masterclass...

Justine went from $2k to $21k!!

From feeling stagnant, struggling to sign any new clients for the 6 months prior to landing 4 next-level clients in the first month of working together (one at $14k!!)

She then continued to accelerate results. She reached her biggest income months, from $5k to $21k, along with deep personal growth & transformation.

Jen had her biggest income month in the history of her business!

Jen was capped with her time and felt stuck, she knew she wanted to grow her business but did NOT want to sacrifice any time with her kids & family.

We worked on restructuring her offers, pricing and messaging to allow her more time back. We built out her offer suite so that she could impact more clients.

There are 3 things every business needs to break the code on creating ILLOGICAL levels of success your OWN WAY!

1. You need a scalable business model and income streams / product suite that supports your lifestyle.

If you are currently working 100+ hours per week, maxing out all your ‘working hours’ with clients & then sacrificing your free time to work ON your business instead of resting or enjoying life it’s going to be impossible to scale to the next level!!

You’re busy chasing the “passive income” streams but haven’t set up sustainable income streams & recurring revenue – there’s a difference.

2. Sustainable & potent marketing strategies
So you don’t have to hustle and sell your ass off every single day but you know your money is still coming in.

3. And last but not the least, the deep mindset shift.
Yes, you may have a good mindset but what about your next level mindset where we push the boundaries on dreaming big than you ever dreamt before, identify the subconscious blocks that actually you are not even aware of. 

The life and business of your dreams are YOURS to create and I’m here to help you get there a whole lot faster in ways you may not have even dreamt of yet!!

Are you ready to learn all of these?

No fluff and BS, I’m here to share invaluable lessons with YOU so we can all end this year strong!

How to create MESSAGING and CONTENT that actually CONVERTS your dream client 

Feel CONFIDENT in your PRICING and marketing so that your clients feel safe and confident in investing in you

No more having clients ghosting you or telling you you're too expensive - they come in ready to buy!


If you want to attract & convert dream clients for your business, you'll want to be in this Masterclass!


You're an absolute powerhouse and know you have a lot of expertise to share, so it's time to get those clients flowing in!!

This Masterclass is perfect for solo-preneurs, service providers, freelancers, agency owners, coaches or personal brands.


Nice to meet you! 

I'm Jess Williamson

I've always been a big dreamer, no literally…

When I was 17, I chose my uni degree based on the pure FACT I knew I was going to be a badass CEO, and hey I ended up building 5 businesses!

I’ve crammed most peoples 20 years into the last 7 but here’s the power packed version of my wild journey so far…

I am an award-winning Mindset & Business mentor and serial entrepreneur having scaled 5 successful businesses in all different business models (product, agency, travel, million-dollar personal brand).

Using my 7+ years experience, deep understanding of business, mindset/shadow work, marketing & buyer psych to help incredible women scale their business & create life changing transformations is genuinely EVERYTHING to me!

I know how to help anyone unlock their own version of wild success – you’re not one size fits all so your business shouldn’t be either!