Attracting High Ticket Clients: a $78k week + $56k Pay in full clients - taking you BTS

jess williamson - the podcast Mar 28, 2023
Attracting High Ticket Clients

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Today is a bit of a different episode as I take the center stage on Rachael Byrne's podcast, She Means Business.


We went deep into some topics that people are often too afraid to ask about, and I dropped so much value that I'm excited to share with you all some things that I've never shared anywhere before.


I spoke about how I had my 78K week, which was so incredible, but there was so much more behind the scenes in it.


It all started when I went from selling a $50 membership six months prior, to experiencing massive income wins repeatedly. And now, this has become the norm in my business.


In this episode, I break down how I did it - not just from a strategy point of view, but also from an "inner work" perspective.


But that’s not all.


We chat about the mindset shifts required to achieve high ticket sales and sustain them without self-sabotaging as well as the importance of updating our identity and becoming the high-ticket leader that we’re meant to be!


I am so grateful for myself for all of the work that I put in over that period to fast track my growth and step into my high level leadership self while owning my authority.


So if you're ready to take your business to the next level and step into your own high-level leadership self, make sure you tune in! I drop some major gems!