The Deep Mindset Blocks keeping you stuck in Hustle & Burnout 🥵

jess williamson - the podcast Jan 17, 2023
The Deep Mindset Blocks keeping you stuck in Hustle & Burnout

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The Deep Mindset Blocks keeping you stuck in Hustle & Burnout (that you’re not even aware of)


I know you’re a BIG dreamer and you’ve got BIG GOALS 🙌🏼


But you also want more FREEDOM at the same time (helloooo holidays whenever you want!)


Here’s the thing… working LESS is just not the answer!!

Simply ‘doing less’ is not going to help you achieve all of your business and freedom goals! 


Working MORE is also not the answer…

I remember back when I used to run 5 businesses at the same time 🤯


I thought the only way to SUCCESS was to hustle & do more so I would add a million things to my to-do list but that was the quickest route to burnout 🥵 


I just didn’t understand how I could reach my goals AND have more freedom - it makes NO LOGICAL SENSE!!


I felt like I had to choose: 

Success OR Freedom 


The truth is, you can have the FREEDOM & SUCCESS you desire NOW!! 


First you need to do the inner MINDSET work

It takes rewiring old patterns and shifting deep beliefs at the subconscious level! - I am going deep into in this ep!


Being able to have space in your days and weeks to allow you to CHOOSE what you want to do – this doesn’t just happen by working LESS!


These days I have so much space in my calendar and days, my daily screen time is 3-4 hours on the days that I work but it didn’t happen by chance.


ALL OF THIS is happening on the subconscious level and even though consciously you keep telling yourself that the success + freedom is coming and you’re working so hard now to create more freedom, impact and income… you’re still not there yet. 


You don’t get to step into your highest version when you’re busy justifying your behaviour or just flat out ignoring it.


See yourself for where you are at right now & be brutally honest.


Not just seeing the parts you want to see but ALL of you .


If you want to attract anything in life you have to set the standard and become it yourself.


Here’s the TRUTH: The main reason why you still don’t have the level of success & freedom you want is because at the subconscious level, you DON’T actually want to grow your business and have more freedom. 


3 mindset shifts you need to make today for more FREEDOM & SUCCESS:


  1.   Your mind gain benefits from predictability


Your mind gain benefits from predictability, it keeps you safe, your body and mind know what to expect so staying in the ‘hustle mode’ is safer than stepping into the unknown. 


When you try to reach that next level in business or just create more flow and ease, your nervous system freaks out!


Your body and mind say its unsafe.


That’s where the feeling of guilt comes from when you try and rest.


That’s why no matter how hard you try and finish work earlier – you somehow find or create more work to do.

The benefits of predictability are undeniable; it keeps us safe and secure, allowing our bodies and minds to anticipate what is to come.


Our bodies and minds may tell us that it is unsafe to venture into the unknown – shows up as self sabotage!


Physiologically, it knows how to keep you alive, how much adrenaline you need etc. You also get to avoid judgement, responsibility, maintaining a new normal.


You need to notice your behaviour and where you are self sabotaging – then you get to identify the benefits your subconscious is likely gaining and start to rewire them.


This is why simple ‘motivation’ or being more disciplined doesn’t work!


  1. You keep blaming external reasons


You keep blaming external reasons and haven’t actually chosen to believe that freedom + success can coexist for you. 


This doesn’t just happen by wanting to believe it needs to be FELT on the deepest level.


  1.  Part of you still believes more success = more work


You are holding onto the idea that more success = more work. And that’s very scary… so you avoid it like the plague. 


At every next level we have to get comfortable with holding more, but that doesn’t have to mean hustle and burnout!


Are you ready to truly believe that success + freedom can coexist for you and to stop waiting for “one day?! 


It can happen now.


The only way to get a different result is to do things DIFFERENTLY.


We go deep into all of this and so much more inside my 3 month Mastermind, Business for Life – more info here >