I forgot who I was... raw & vulnerable chat about Success

jess williamson - the podcast Feb 14, 2023
I forgot who I was... raw & vulnerable chat about Success

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I forgot who I was... raw & vulnerable chat about Success


Today, I’m celebrating 7 years in business!!! WOOHOO 🎉🥳


I honestly cried happy tears looking back on the huge shifts I made in my business, the results, achievements, how far I’ve come and most of all I’ve been feeling myself again which is a whole new thing! 


January was a whirlwind and I kind of forgot who I was! 🤯

I was feeling a little stuck….

Things were feeling a bit harder and heavy than the usual


Often when a business feels hard or heavy it's because we are taking on too much, we are out of alignment or being incongruent, or basing our whole worth on results, especially money or tangible outcomes rather than enjoying it.


Over December & January, I took a bunch of time off, had some extended family things dumped on me so I was holding the energy of that still, and I was sick for a few weeks.


All of these play a part – I felt the pressure from all of it combined and just life in general.


I was very much in my masculine – which as business owners often we can be more in our masculine to get stuff done but I was so deep in it.


After so much growth last year, I was so grounded in that next level.


But once I got there, I almost forgot to re-ground myself in the next level again.


When you’re ambitious AF, often all we want to do is take massive action.


But my inner world hadn’t caught up to my next level moves yet.


While it wasn’t all consuming or anything massive, it was a subtle nudge to explore further. 


These nudges are always the BEST compass to come back into pure flow and alignment!


It sparked this podcast episode because I want to normalise what success and leadership look like at every level - It’s how we get to grow and elevate together!!


The thing that sets successful people apart from those that still feel stuck is we know how to shift through that energetically and do the inner work.


When you do this work, things get to move damn FAST!!


So I’m sharing what I did to shift my energy and step back into my power!


When I do this work, I like to go elsewhere (usually the beach lets be honest haha) – our office or home are anchored into different energy.


Office is very “doing energy” – even when I am in content creation or creative task mode, I sit on my couch VS at my desk, my brain has anchored that energy and that part of my brain to the environment


I take myself on a solo retreat or to the park or beach with no distractions.


Being in expansive environments opens your mind to new ways of doing things. It taps more into the creative side of our mind, new ideas, inspiration & more flow. This is why retreats are so powerful and I am excited to run more of these this year!




When things feel harder than they need to be, check in with yourself:


What am I avoiding?

What am I not having to see?

What am I not allowing myself to have?


For me it was not wanting to see my own level of power – I was allowing myself to make things hard, so I didn’t have to see what was possible for me.


Leadership is not about being the FIRST or the furthest ahead but being so GROUNDED in where you are going that it doesn’t matter who’s coming with you because you’re paving the path anyway.


When I came back to WHO I AM, things became a whole lot easier!!


At the core, one of my biggest values is GROWTH and I love the feeling of discomfort I get when I reach new edges, its just WHO I AM


I LOVE challenging, stretching myself and going damn fast toward my big vision – but I had forgotten who I was through all that.


So I quickly reminded myself WHO TF I AM.


I grounded back into reflecting on what I have ACHIEVED


The ENERGY I want to show up with


The next level I am ready to HOLD


And instantly things began to shift, feel easier, more magnetic




I’m focused on growing and evolving for ME - and I GET to do this every damn day!


THIS is what makes LEADERSHIP sustainable and safe for the long term



The truth about being a leader is that its not always defined by the moves we make but how we LEAD ourselves first.


When you shift your inner world and identity to BECOME the next level leader.


You no longer have to TRY to be seen or act as the leader, because you just ARE.


And then the moves you make are badass leader MOVES - because of course they are and things just FLOW.


If you want to be a LEADER, you need to become besties with constant growth and evolution… not just sometimes.


Listen to the podcast ep and save it for your little pep talk when things feel a little harder or if you are ready for that level up!! 🙌


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