New Year Intentions [Life Changing Activity]

jess williamson - the podcast Jan 02, 2024
New Year Intentions [Life Changing Activity]

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Let's dive into a powerful activity to kickstart your year – setting those new year intentions.


This isn't just about resolutions; it's about creating a roadmap and plan to fast track your success.


Remember, when you upgrade yourself, your business follows suit, but your success is ultimately capped by the level of your mindset.


Oftentimes, people want to jump straight into setting their goals or taking bolding action but I find that we really need these three core steps to actually reach your idea of success.


1. Reflect and celebrate your journey – most people want to skip this step

The first and often overlooked step is reflection.


Take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements. It's easy to compare yourself to others, but your journey is unique.


Reflect on how far you've come, search for tangible results, progress, and even the person you've become. Celebrate your wins, both big and small.


Our brains tend to focus on what we haven't achieved, but by celebrating your successes, you provide your subconscious with proof of your capabilities, propelling you toward your goals.


Journal Prompt: I am most proud of myself for... (now get writing that long list!!)


2. Ask yourself “what does success mean to me?”

Success means different things to different people. Take a moment to redefine what success means to you. Strip away societal expectations and ask yourself what truly makes you happy. Success should align with your personal values and desires, not conform to external standards.


For me, success is about doing what I enjoy, having flexibility, maintaining good health, and living life on my terms. It doesn't require a flashy office or designer possessions.


Success is deeply personal, and acknowledging your version of it is super important. Don't limit yourself; set bold, fantasy land goals and then build your business around them.


Journal Prompt: What does success truly mean to me? Get super specific.


3. IDENTIFY the gaps – between where you are and where you want to be

Setting a goal is like inputting a destination into your GPS; it requires a starting point to map the most direct route.


Identify the gaps between where you are now and where you want to be. This may involve learning new skills, addressing mindset challenges, or seeking mentorship.


Recognise the areas where you need support and map out the actions required to bridge those gaps. The path may not always be easy, but shortcuts exist.


Learn from those who've paved the way before you or enlist mentors who can guide you.



  • What do I need to LEARN & upskill to reach my goals?
  • What gaps or challenges with my strategy or mindset do I need to address?
  • Who do I need to seek support from (get specific on their skills, or who they are)


Now take bold ACTION!! The moves you make in the next 3 months will determine your trajectory for the next 3 years, make them count!