Building true Self Trust & deep Confidence

jess williamson - the podcast Jan 31, 2023
Building true Self Trust & deep Confidence to reach your GOALS

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Building true Self Trust & deep Confidence to reach your GOALS through congruency.


I am seriously excited to chat all about building unshakable confidence and deepest felt level self-trust where you're not second-guessing yourself every day.


I want to normalise that, but it's really having that deep inner knowing that your level of success, your goals, your dreams are so inevitable for you.


While we often want to think and believe that “it's happening”, “don't worry, it's coming”, our subconscious is still like “don't quite believe it”.


So I really want to share how do we build unstoppable self-trust and deep self-confidence to reach your goals.


What confidence truly means is having that deepest level of self-trust. You do not have to be the loudest one in the room to be the most confident. So, confidence to me really means being so secure within yourself.


The more that you can bring this to the front of your mind, the more that you can

master this, the more success you get to create.


You're a smart business owner, you know how to post on social media, you know how to create movement. And while we can always tweak our strategy and get more strategic with it, I bet there are things right now that you wish you were doing or achieving or doing more of. But there is like this weird sensation where it's just like you can't get past it no matter how hard you try.


Early on in my business journey, you may have heard me share this story before, but I started my very first business with zero experience, zero knowledge, zero money but how did I create that success? The one thing I did have was absolute unwavering self belief.


This is the biggest missing piece for so many business owners when it comes to creating

next level success, those fantasy land results. And to get to fantasy land, we have to have this element of pure delusion where you are so rock solid in your truth that everyone else can think you're crazy.


How do we actually do that on a deeper level?


It starts with CONGRUENCY.


Congruency means when you say you value something, when you say you want something, you do it.

Congruence is when you say you value something or want something, and you live according to that intention – your actions.

I see a lack of congruence all the time:

Someone who is lacking energy and wants to be more healthy but also believes that eating healthy is hard and expensive and you don't have time to go on exercise or even just move your body.

Someone who wants more free time and relaxation but who also thinks that everything has to be done perfectly and you can’t relax until it’s done.

If you want massive growth and fantasy land results – but you’re procrastinating on your current goals, projects etc.

It’s so easy to see it in others and its often frustrating to watch yet we are doing the same thing to ourselves and turn a blind eye.


To create massive levels of success, you need to train your mind through showing it by action

that you can trust yourself.


When you are incongruent, your subconscious mind knows.

If you feel like you’re a go-getter, action taker, yet you procrastinate on making a decision for 2 weeks, your brain knows that and your brain logs it into a perception of self


Incongruence creates proof of reasons to not be confident. It creates a lack of self-trust within yourself – even if you are not aware.


If your subconscious sees you as someone who can’t keep their word, is flakey, not confident, changes their mind every time someone questions them…Its going to impact the way you show up, and therefore your results are going to be fairly limited.



But when you are congruent some amazing things happen:


  1. Your confidence goes through the roof

  2. Your energy and desire to make a difference increase dramatically

  3. You feel at peace that you are going about life with intention

  4. Decisions become easy to make

  5. Things start to fall into place


You're going to have to start being brutally honest with yourself and look at where you have actually been incongruent.


Start to realign with who you want to be. If you want to be a leader, then you need to learn to lead yourself first. And this is the biggest, biggest piece.


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