How your Money Mindset is Blocking your Income

jess williamson - the podcast Oct 24, 2023
How your Money Mindset is Blocking your Income

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We all know that sales & money is important, right? We don't really have a business without it…


But here's the thing: it's not just about strategy.


If you keep running into the same challenges or lack of sales & income, it's time to take a look at the self-sabotage that might be at play.


Often, the biggest obstacle standing in your way is none other than yourself.


Recognising a Bad Money Mindset and Subconscious Blocks


  1. Self-Doubt and Undervaluing Services: You may often find yourself doubting your abilities when it comes to pricing your services. Even with ample expertise, you consistently undervalue your work, setting prices well below market rates. The fear that higher prices might drive clients away becomes a constant worry.
  2. Fear and Anxiety in Sales: Each time you send a proposal to a potential client, anxiety washes over you. The thought of rejection or losing out on a job leaves your palms sweaty, and self-doubt takes root.
  3. Overworking and Relentless Hustle: You might be a slave to your computer screen, working into the wee hours, missing out on important family events, and feeling perpetually exhausted. You've bought into the belief that relentless hustle is the only path to financial success.
  4. Consistent lack of sales & income despite your best efforts to market and sell. This may show up in a lack of enquiries, customers telling you that your prices are too high, or just simply being rejected.


Recognizing these signs is the first step in addressing and transforming a challenging money mindset.


The Impact of a Bad Money Mindset on Your Income


The truth is, you're likely excellent at what you do.


You consistently show up and promote your business. However, when you repeatedly face challenges, struggle to attract money, or steer clear of financial opportunities, it's time to dig deeper and uncover the self-sabotage that may be lurking beneath the surface.


No amount of strategy or increased effort will yield results if you're unknowingly sabotaging your own success. Your subconscious mind is a significant player in this game, often operating behind the scenes, working against your best interests.


Overcoming a Bad Money Mindset


  1.  Self-Awareness: Begin by acknowledging your beliefs and behaviors around money. Recognize the patterns and be honest with yourself.

  2.  Take Back Control: Stop blaming external factors like time, money, audience, customers, or prices for your situation. Realize that you have the power to change your financial circumstances.

  3.  Seek Support: You don't have to go it alone. Subconscious issues can be challenging to address by yourself. Having the right tools to overcome these blocks is powerful. Many clients have unearthed hidden obstacles they didn't even realize were there, navigating these mindset layers with guidance.


You already possess everything you need for success!


The key is making the decision to unleash your potential.


Addressing these underlying issues lays a strong foundation for significant financial success.


As your inner world shifts, your outer world follows suit.


It's time to unleash your power and embrace the limitless potential that awaits.