Lessons from a $150k quarter

jess williamson - the podcast Oct 14, 2021

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It’s the end of the quarter so I stopped and checked my business numbers… And then I checked them again. I’m so so happy and proud to share with you that I am celebrating a $150k quarter! 

To commemorate with all of you, I wanted to share the lessons I learnt from this incredibly abundant quarter. I would love for you to take these learnings and implement them into your own businesses right now. 

Let’s discuss perspective and focus. I’ve been so concerned about getting everything organised in my business that I didn’t even realise that I had reached that incredible target in just 3 months. 

So I wanted to ask you, what are you focusing on? 

I had a client that lost three customers in a week and felt so let down and disappointed, but when we checked her numbers, she was only $300 away from reaching her target goal for the month (AND her monthly target was even $3,000 more than last month!). 

Our brains always focus on what’s going wrong to protect us from danger but we need to rewire them to remember all of the amazing achievements we’ve made instead. 

Have a look at your numbers. Numbers don’t lie, but our brains do. Change your perspective. 

If I go back 3 years, I was so stressed and overworked running my businesses. I was frustrated, irritable and unleashed on everyone. I wanted to run a business that fulfills my lifestyle. Now I’m able to go to the beach when I want to, relax, watch shows on netflix, and invest in my education. That is a huge win in my book!

I don’t usually share my income because money is so relative to everybody and there are so many different factors to rate your success. I encourage you to reflect on your own journey and how your business has served your life. 

Take a mental note to stop and be proud of what you’ve achieved. 

There are all kinds of wins you’ll experience that are worth so much more than just the money you make. If you have come to believe in yourself and everything you’re capable of, that is the best win ever.



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