Embracing your Unrealistic Goals & Fear of Success | ICONIC LEADERSHIP SERIES

jess williamson - the podcast Aug 22, 2023
Embracing your Unrealistic Goals & Fear of Success | ICONIC LEADERSHIP SERIES

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Iconic Leadership Podcast Series!


There comes a time in your business journey where its like… you know how to make money, you know how to do the strategies that work – and while there’s always room for growth, we can come to this point in our business and wonder what’s next?


The last thing you think of with any Iconic Leader is playing small and I know you’re not here to play small either!!


It’s time to set some MAJOR goals and visualise that powerful future you are creating.


Part 3 is all about thinking bigger, playing bigger, unlocking fantasy land, illogical levels of iconic leadership & owning your success.


1. Stop aiming for realistic goals


There’s no such thing as “realistic” goals because you are capable of all the “wildly unrealistic” dreams you have right now so stop playing small.


Firstly, what does “realistic” even mean?? Whose definition of realistic?


When I started my first business, I had zero experience, zero knowledge, contacts, investors, or any of it! BUT I did have the deepest self-belief that I was creating a global swimwear brand.


My vision was literally up there with the top brands. I never once saw it as a side hustle or hobby. And that was absolutely delusional – this is me playing deep in fantasy land.


But you know what happened because of this?


I was invited to NYFW after 1 week in business. I grew the business to over $300k in just the first year juggling a FT job and in a highly competitive industry. The company quickly grew to 46 countries and had global warehouses in USA, HK & Aus.


None of which would have happened if I didn’t allow myself to dream BIG and own it.


The same with my personal brand. I decided I was going to be in Forbes, TV, speaking events and at the time I was the BIGGEST introvert, super shy and a TERRIBLE public speaker!


I wasn’t equipped for any of it. But I said “why NOT me?!” And then I damn well did it anyway & made it happen.


If we don’t allow ourselves to aim high, then we actually can’t achieve it. We are setting ourselves an unnecessary cap on what we can achieve. We were taught not to aim too high so we don’t get disappointed or look silly for trying. We let fear takeover. We let it mean something about us if we don’t achieve it.


What if you allowed yourself to DREAM BIGGER than ever – you are a whole lot more likely to achieve something bigger than if you set a small goal just so we can feel good and safe about it.


If it doesn’t feel like WTFFFF kind of level then lets dream bigger and strap yourself in for one heck of a ride!


2. Trying to be RELATABLE is keeping you playing small!! – fear of success


Once you dream up your major goals & are strapped in for the ride… we need to let go of all the fears & conditioning that come with success, creating success and then striving for even more.


I truly believe that when you’re an ambitious AF powerhouse, your biggest block is likely NOT fear of failure… 

but fear of SUCCESS!!


There is so much conditioning when it comes to success especially at this level.


Stepping into your ICONIC LEADERSHIP means owning those wildly big goals even when people think you’re crazy. It’s about OWNING WHO YOU ARE in a big way.


And sometimes we can hear things like “who does she think she is” or “gosh! she’s a bit too ambitious” – it makes others uncomfortable right?! And they project it onto us.


For so long, I held onto the deepest belief that when I shine too bright or have too much success, it offends or upsets others (tall poppy am I right!?!)


So for a long time, I would not celebrate my wins or successes too loudly and DOWNPLAYED EVERYTHING!!


I was dimming it down to not offend others, not be judged or seen as greedy, arrogant or just down right obnoxious! Most of the time I didn’t even realise I was doing it. And this is then just sending a message to my subconscious that success is unsafe for me.


To call in a whole new level of success, it first needs to feel like the safest place for us otherwise we will keep coming up against self-sabotage.


While your conscious mind is saying “YES, I’m ready for the success and to own my iconic leadership!!”


Your subconscious is actually running the show and it gains so many benefits from keeping you playing small…


When you DON’T have success:

You can remain relatable – likeable, down to earth.

Get to avoid others’ expectations or judgements of you.

You get to avoid the responsibility that comes with it.


Something I realised a while ago I am not here to be the most liked or RELATABLE.

I am here to make an impact & to be ICONICCCC and sometimes that means getting uncomfortable and shining damn bright anyway!!


Just because you have INSANE GOALS or reach a whole new level of SUCCESS, it doesn’t mean you automatically stop being WHO YOU ARE.


But the harsh reality is, some people won’t understand. But waiting for everyone else to catch up or playing down your success so that you can remain relatable is going to keep you stuck!!


To create SAFETY for our subconscious and to allow yourself to fully own this Iconic Leadership era, you first need to start owning your audacious goals & success!


 3.  Make those MOVES


Without actually making the moves… you can’t really step into your iconic leadership.


What truly makes a leader is that they LEAD before anyone gives them permission to.


Leaders don’t wait for permission, they GIVE THEMSELVES permission, feel the fear and move anyway!!


Download your FREE workbook here to accompany the whole series so after each episode go and do the powerful activities – they are simple but really impactful.


Part 1: Evolution of the Personal Brand & Iconic Leadership >
Part 2: Craft your LEGACY Message & become an in-demand Leader >
Part 4: How to gain Major Visibility & Community who buy all of your stuff >
Part 5: Become an AUTHORITY & overcome Imposter Syndrome for good >

Part 6: It’s time to enter YOUR Iconic Leadership era >